Sunday, April 30
> Home on a sat night, imagine that.
Are promises really meant to be brokened? Its so freaking easy to promise somebody something, but not fulfill it. Its so easy to just say it, but doing it is another different thing. Thanks for lying to me again and again and again and again. Though ure just a normal friend to me, but i hate the thought of being cheated time and time again.
I swear never to call you again.
I caught the movie, 3 times starring Shu Qi with Shawnie after the photoshoot in Sentosa and chilling at PS with Jing Yang at the new Cathay Cinema. Its the worst movie ever. Its so much worst than 3 Iron and i fell asleep halfway through. I hate movies like that. Its freaking boring.
I wanted to blog about something not so mundane but i just cant find a topic to talk about.
Im tired but i dont wanna go to bed yet because i dont have to wake up early tomorrow.
Im hungry but i dont wanna go get supper because its my parent's 24th wedding anniversary and we're celebrating at Raffles Town Club with sumptious buffet steamboat.
I wanna get out to have a puff but im too lazy to do so.
"... you've changed ...""... Nothing's the same anymore ...""Goodnight."I guess its all over. Sorry Amber, but you've lost the most perfect guy of your dreams. And its all your bloody fault.--------------------------------------------------------
I feel so lost suddenly.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:33:00 am
Friday, April 28
> So very sad
Well yes, im right. My period is here. It hurts so badly i just felt like lying in bed all day.
Its only the first week of school, and im such a slacker already. I skipped lecture today partly because i was in great pain. But i guess i was just too lazy and tired to get outta bed. That sucks. What a bad start for the new semester.
My cramps were almost gone but now its back again. Leaving for work in half an hour time. Its my last day with Ebase today.
Like seriously speaking, if i were to work in Parkway for this entire week, i would hope that today will come quick. But because ive been working in Marina Square for the past 2 days, i really dont feel like leaving.
I will so miss my colleagues, be it in Ebase or Garcon. I'll miss working with Polly, Sophia, Serene, Gwen, Winnie and Albin. *so wanna cry already.
Last 2 days of working at Bambini was great. How very sad its Ebase today. But nevermind, gonna cherish my last working day with those great peeps.
Fuck period, fuck cramps.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:24:00 pm
Thursday, April 27
> Make my day a happy day every day
Everything just made my day today.
Work was splendid. I just love to work at Marina Square. My colleagues over there are like super funny and super nice and super interesting.
Kelvin finally initiated a message and talked to me after 3 weeks of not picking up my calls.
I made up my mind not to drop SAPM after having a talk with Mr Chan. I swear he's one of the nicest tutor in TP. Great man!!
Saw WQ today. Seeing him so happy, laughing and smiling, makes me happy too. I think he has changed. More open and friendly, like what Denise said.
No school tomorrow!! Working at Marina Square again. Wah, sibei shiok!
Pay day tomorrow night. Lagi shiok!
Yes lah, im just happy today. =D
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:34:00 am
Wednesday, April 26
> Amber needs help. Seriously.
I guess it must be one of those nights again, whereby i just felt like ignoring the whole world and lock myself up.
I didnt feel like chatting with anyone in msn though i was really bored and had nothing at all to do.
I tried to go to sleep. But everytime i close my eyes, i panick. Everytime i close my eyes, i felt really insecure and uneasy. It feels as if im in danger and i got so afraid and my eyes would start to tear and i had to force myself to wake up and take deep breaths.
I felt so mentally unsound and suspect if i need the shrink. Its like getting from bad to worst and i will only break down and die.
Im in a great dilemma and i dont have much time to think about it already.
ARGH. This is so random and i think im going insane.
Just leave me alone.
I guess my period's coming.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:55:00 am
Sunday, April 23
> really random stuffs
Its bad how i cant get to sleep at this time. Its almost 6 in the morning but yet i still do not feel like going to bed. No matter how giddy i feel now, how heavy my eyelids are, i just refuse to walk to bed (which is like 1 step away).
Wayne's 21st birthday bbq celebration at his place earlier on. All my friends are hitting the 20s already, and im not even 19. Its true how time flies. When i first got to know some of the guys, they were only in their 14s and 15s or so. So many years of friendship, but yet still so fragile. Sometimes i really wonder, where do i exactly stand in their live.
School's starting in less than 48 hours. My timetable is not that tight. Quite relaxed actually. And its not exactly a good sign because ive quit my job and i'll have too much free time. I detest that.
I like to keep myself busy, to refrain myself from thinking too much. But dad and mom discouraged me to look for another job because they want me to focus on my studies. No job = no money. And that's very sad.
My birthday is in less than a month's time. Ive no idea how i want to celebrate it, who i wanna celebrate with. I sense its just another boring day which no one actually bothers.
My handphone got jammed this noon and i was pretty happy about it. No matter how i switch on and off, remove the battery and stuff, it just cant seem to operate. I thought it would be a pretty good chance to get a new phone. But God knows what my dad did to it, its all back to normal now. =(
I want a new handphone! But my plan ends only at the end of October. Way long to go. =(

And i heart this Juicy Couture bag. But it only comes in green and pink. So not my colour.
And i too, want a digicam. I so need it. I wanna capture every moment that's happening in my life (except the really mundane stuffs duh)
And yes ure right, all these needs money. And im a pauper. So, my life sucks.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:53:00 am
Saturday, April 22
> Ice skating!
On Wednesday, we decided to meet up in Jurong at 12.30pm for an ice skate session. But the piggified Amber, woke up at 1pm instead. Quickly prepared and rushed down, all thanks to Daddy for giving me a lift. I managed to reach at 2pm. Superwoman right?!

We had a great deal of time.

I havent skated for 7 years so i was pretty anxious in the beginning. But i managed to get a hang of it and move. Not like im super good at skating, but at least i could go rounds and rounds without falling!
I wanna go back there again, when i have the time. The journey is really way too long for me to handle though.
After skating for 2 hours, we headed down to Ikea. Ate the musteat swedish meatball and curry rice before walking around in Ikea. Spotted a couple of furnitures for my new room.
Oh yes, coming to my new room, i need an interior designer to design my bedroom and study room. Or better still, my entire house.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:08:00 am
Friday, April 21
> Night out with Marki and Senchuan
I met the 2 guys after 8716239138 years of not contacting. I thought it would be pretty awkward because i wasnt even close to Mark since Gmethss days. But it all turned out otherwise. I love their companionship because they brought lotsa laughters into my life. Yayness!!

Chilling at Cine's Burger King while thinking of a place to go and making serviettes rose kudos to Ms Lin. *ahem, thats me.

Mark suggested Shesha so off we go to Boat Quay. Cheap deals man! We did not have to pay for it. wakkakaka.

Tons and tons of retarded photos not to be missed.
But on our way to enjoy our shesha session, Mark got caught by the traffic police for speeding. WTH LAH!! $170 and 8 points gone within seconds. DAMN SAD CAN.

After sheshaing, we went to Geylang for dim sum supper. Saw Jingping, her sis and Christina there. What a small world. Hanyong came to join us for a little while and we all headed home.
I met the 2 of them again the night before yesterday's. Headed down to East Coast to chill. Pictures will be up when i receive them.
Till then.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:31:00 pm
> Bangkok for you, part 6.(finale)
Day 9 (Last day)We were anticipating for this day since the first day we stepped into the roads of Bangkok. Filled with exhilaration and excitement, we emerged on our journey to a place far far away with bumpy rides, causing serious nauseousness. But it was all worth it.

Its not as bad as i thought it would be. Its beautiful in fact. With the LOVE GARDEN. I wanna come back here to have my wedding photos taken! LOL

First we went into the Giant's House.

Then, we fed the sheeps and cows.

The second time Shalyn and I played snow together. Yvonne's facvourite place! This snow town is much better than Genting's. The slide down is realllllllyyy FUN!
I love thrilling rides! Im a daredevil and no challanging rides will stop me from taking it. No matter how crazy it is. Too bad Singapore's rides are too noob for me. =X
We quickly left the place for home and rushed down to the airport before we miss our flight.

Our luggage back to hometown.

Byebye Bangkok.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:15:00 pm
Thursday, April 20
> Bangkok for you, part 5.
Day 7We were supposed to go crazy shopping at Chatukchak but we were so tired the night before, and thinking about shopping under the blazing sun, drowning in your perspiration was a big turn off. So, we decided to call it off.
My colleagues said i was damn stupid not going Chatukchak cos the things there are really dirt cheap and they sell tons of ladies stuffs. But really lah, no mood to shop when one is feeling irritated.
So we had the whole day unplanned. Decided to go back to the pasar malam at Carrefour again to get my mom's pjs. This time, without the help of Lan Jie, Shalyn and I managed to bargain with our cannotreallymakeit Thai language. Managed to get a few cheap deals too.

My buys from Carrefour pasar malam.
We took the motorbike to and fro and it was really fun. Been long since i last sat on a bike. =

Chilling at Mac after a great deal of shopping. Legs tired already!

Got home and waited for Shalyn's godma to come home after work before heading off for dinner at The Great Shanghai.

The food is super delicious, especially the mouth watering peking duck and my all time favourite sweet and sour pork!!!!!
Had a filling dinner but that's not all.

Went to the market to buy fruits! DURIANS AND MANGOES. WAH!! HEAVENLY SIAH. The market is really huge. And even when we're sitted inside the car, we could smell the foul smell coming from the fishes and all. Freaking smelly. Cant imagine if i were to get off the car. I'll prolly just die.
Day 8We went down to Au Bon Pain again before lunch to chill. I told you its our all time favourite chill out cafe.

Had our lunch by the poolside. And yes, in the condominium itself. Told you its damn hotel-like.

Rewarded ourselves with spa treatment.
The whirlpool was so hot, the sauna was worst. I had a splitting headache and severe giddiness. No choice but to quickly leave the place and get ready to go back to Emporium for shopping!
Bought some stuffs for my sister and I but i forgot to take a picture of it.
After which, we cabbed down to The Mall. Upon reaching the place, Shalyn and i felt really nauseous. We almost didnt want to carry on shopping. But thinking that we would be leaving in a few days time and we had come down so far, we might as well walk a little.
The Mall is a night market too. Many streets but really cramp and stuffy. Wasnt really feeling that well so we wasnt in the right shopping mood. Didnt take pictures of anything either.

All we ate was a bowl of soup shared between Shalyn and I during dinner and not forgetting,

medicine. BOO!
I really wanna complete my last day of the Bangkok trip by tonight but Senchuan and Mark are on their way to pick me up for supper already.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:12:00 am
Wednesday, April 19
> Bangkok for you, part 4.
You know, besides photoblogging about my holiday trip, i'll also have to photoblog about my night with Senchuan and Mark as well as Monday's sentosa trip and today's ice skating trip with the beachmates.
Day 5Woke up just in time for brunch.

Shalyn's favourite Suki Steamboat. One word - YUMMY!

Then, we quickly packed our stuffs and left for one night stay at Conrad Hotel.

The interior of the hotel room is really damn good. Its big and spacious and the toilet is just too cute. LOL.

Look at the view from our room!Damn captivating lah.

Checked in, unpack a little, got dressed and went down for a swim.

International buffet dinner that night was amazingly sinful. I ate till my tummy almost exploded. TOO much food to devour. Im sure the bill this time is damn expensive too.
Ate till we were so tired, we had an early night.
Day 6We woke up really early the next day morning, had Burger King delivery for breakfast before heading down to the pool again for a swim.
This time, this middle aged Mexican guy wanted to befriend me and offered the 3 of us drinks which i kept refusing. Shalyn and Yvonne were in the pool when he came over for a chat. Instead of coming to me to save me, they stayed in the pool and kept giggling. Yvonne even commented after that that he wants to bed me. I was shocked to hear something like that from a 12 year old. BAH

We went back upstairs to prepare and all, getting ready to check out.

We had lunch at this Thai restaurant, i couldnt remember the name.

Very nice ambience.
The chauffeur came and picked us up back to Central because i was dying to buy this when i saw it on Day 2.

Its authentic mind you.
Then we cabbed over to MBK again because we felt that there was a need to buy more stuffs over there. And Shalyn was desperate in getting the skirt she eyed on.

My buys from MBK.
After MBK, we made a trip down to Suan Lum. Its a night bazaar and operates till about 1am SG time. Unfortunately, the camera battery died on us and we couldnt take any pictures there.

Here's what i bought from Suan Lum.
Slept really late that night. Damn tired!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:37:00 pm
Monday, April 17
> Bangkok for you, part 3.
Day 4
Got up early and headed down to Shalyn's Godpa's company to seeseelooklook and say hi to everyone. After which, we went to pick Yvonne up from school.

Very artsy school they have.

Left to Emporioum for lunch and shopped around. Bought tons of titbits for my family members and its all gone already. I havent really eaten any yet. I bought a pair of levis there. Cheap!!

Settled for Au Bon Pain again while Lan Jie and Yvonne went home while waiting for Shalyn's godma to reach home from work to bring us out for dinner.
We had japanese cuisine at Fuji in Emporium. The food is just too shiok, and bloody cheap. In a damn class restaurant somemore. WHERE TO FIND?!?! No pictures allowed in there, so no pictures!

Its even more shiok when we went for Thai massage after dinner. 2 hours of it and i really felt my muscles all being more relaxed. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!
By the end of the massage, it was already like 1am. Headed home straight and collapsed into bed.
More to come, but may not be soon yet. BUSY LA DEH!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:40:00 am
> Bangkok for you, part 2.

This is the interior of Shalyn's godma's house. Very comfy and spacious. And have i told you? The whole condominium just gave me a feel like im staying in a hotel. So much nicer than Singapore ones.
Okay, lets get started.
Day 2
Getting ready for our first shopping day!

Shopping at Central! Its a departmental store that sells mostly branded stuffs. So we didnt really get much there on our first trip.

What fascinates me the most is the colour of the taxi. It comes in assorted colours like m&ms! There's still different tones of different colours. Its too many to capture.

Took the skytrain over to Siam to further our shopping. Yippee!

Our next destination was Siam Paragon. Its the largest shopping mall in Asia i heard. And trust me, its really BIG. As the word "paragon" mentioned, thats where all the branded boutiques are located at. Its so much more classy and glam compared to Singapore's. 3 times or more the size even.

We settled down in a restaurant for lunch. The food is delicious!

This is the place where we really started our shopping. Met Lan Jie there to bring us around and be our interprater. haha.

Had our dinner there. Food in Bangkok is really super cheap. CHEAP AND GOOD! my favourite. hiaks.

My buys at MBK. And that's the end of our second day.
Day 3Lyn and I headed down to the pool for a swim. But even before i could start getting brown, Ms Tong had to cut her toe.

Just how dumb and careless and silly can she get. How can she live without me? TELL ME! LOL

All set and ready to get out!

But that will never hinder us from shopping. We continued our shopping madness at Carrefour. Not the hypermart actually, but the pasar malam across the place.

My buys from there. Wasnt a really good shopping trip for me because there wasnt much that i was interested in. But Lyn did buy quite a lot.

Later that night we came down to chill at our all time favourite cafe, Au Bon Pain, just outside our residence. Had a pretty good long chat till wee hours.
And yes, this entry seems pretty long already. To be continued!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:37:00 am